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DOI: 10.4230/DagSemProc.07171.2
URN: urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-15032
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Gross, Markus ;
Müller, Heinrich ;
Seidel, Hans-Peter ;
Shum, Harry
07171 Summary -- Visual Computing -- Convergence of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
Due to the importance of visual information for humans, visual computing
is at the very core of the technologies enabling the modern information
society. New and emerging technologies such as multimedia, digital
television, telecommunication and telepresence, or virtual reality further
indicate the
tremendous potential of visual interaction with computers in the years to
Typical for the field is the coincidence of very large data sets with the
demand for fast, if possible interactive, user-adapted high quality visual
display of the results. Furthermore, the user should be able to interact with
the environment in a natural and intuitive way.
In order to address the challenges mentioned above, a new and more integrated
scientific view of Visual Computing is required that unifies the previously
separate ''visual'' disciplines of computer graphics and computer vision.
Computer graphics is traditionally concerned with generating visual
of computers and applications to the user. Computer vision focuses on
computers to understand and interpret visual information from static
images and
video sequences.
BibTeX - Entry
author = {Gross, Markus and M\"{u}ller, Heinrich and Seidel, Hans-Peter and Shum, Harry},
title = {{07171 Summary – Visual Computing – Convergence of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision}},
booktitle = {Visual Computing - Convergence of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision},
pages = {1--4},
series = {Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings (DagSemProc)},
ISSN = {1862-4405},
year = {2008},
volume = {7171},
editor = {Markus Gross and Heinrich M\"{u}ller and Hans-Peter Seidel and Harry Shum},
publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik},
address = {Dagstuhl, Germany},
URL = {},
URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-15032},
doi = {10.4230/DagSemProc.07171.2},
annote = {Keywords: Image- and video-based modeling and rendering, perception-guided modeling and rendering, texture synthesis, scattering and reflectance measurement rendering, capturing reality (appearance, motion) from images, 3D acquisition and display, 3D reconstruction, image and model compression, computation}
Keywords: |
Image- and video-based modeling and rendering, perception-guided modeling and rendering, texture synthesis, scattering and reflectance measurement |
Freie Schlagwörter (deutsch): |
rendering, capturing reality (appearance, motion) from images, 3D acquisition and display, 3D reconstruction, image and model compression, computation |
Collection: |
07171 - Visual Computing - Convergence of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision |
Issue Date: |
2008 |
Date of publication: |
28.05.2008 |