Summary Report on Service Foundations
BibTeX - Entry
author = {Dustdar, Schahram and Aiello, Marco},
title = {{05462 Service Oriented Computing: Service Foundations}},
booktitle = {Service Oriented Computing (SOC)},
pages = {1--5},
series = {Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings (DagSemProc)},
ISSN = {1862-4405},
year = {2006},
volume = {5462},
editor = {Francisco Cubera and Bernd J. Kr\"{a}mer and Michael P. Papazoglou},
publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik},
address = {Dagstuhl, Germany},
URL = {https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2006/528},
URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-5285},
doi = {10.4230/DagSemProc.05462.3},
annote = {Keywords: Service Foundations Summary Report}
Keywords: |
Service Foundations Summary Report |
Collection: |
05462 - Service Oriented Computing (SOC) |
Issue Date: |
2006 |
Date of publication: |
05.05.2006 |