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DOI: 10.4230/OASIcs.ICLP.2016.13
URN: urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-67437
Gange, Graeme ;
Stuckey, Peter J.
Constraint Propagation and Explanation over Novel Types by Abstract Compilation
The appeal of constraint programming (CP) lies in compositionality – the ability to mix and match constraints as needed. However, this flexibility typically does not extend to the types of variables. Solvers usually support only a small set of pre-defined variable types, and extending this is not typically a simple exercise: not only must the solver engine be updated, but then the library of supported constraints must be re-implemented to support the new type.
In this paper, we attempt to ease this second step. We describe a system for automatically deriving a native-code implementation of a global constraint (over novel variable types) from a declarative specification, complete with the ability to explain its propagation, a requirement if we want to make use of modern lazy clause generation CP solvers.
We demonstrate this approach by adding support for wrapped-integer variables to chuffed, a lazy clause generation CP solver.
BibTeX - Entry
author = {Graeme Gange and Peter J. Stuckey},
title = {{Constraint Propagation and Explanation over Novel Types by Abstract Compilation}},
booktitle = {Technical Communications of the 32nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2016)},
pages = {13:1--13:14},
series = {OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs)},
ISBN = {978-3-95977-007-1},
ISSN = {2190-6807},
year = {2016},
volume = {52},
editor = {Manuel Carro and Andy King and Neda Saeedloei and Marina De Vos},
publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik},
address = {Dagstuhl, Germany},
URL = {},
URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-67437},
doi = {10.4230/OASIcs.ICLP.2016.13},
annote = {Keywords: constraint programming, program synthesis, program analysis}
Keywords: |
constraint programming, program synthesis, program analysis |
Collection: |
Technical Communications of the 32nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2016) |
Issue Date: |
2016 |
Date of publication: |
11.11.2016 |