Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 10131

Spatial Representation and Reasoning in Language : Ontologies and Logics of Space

J. A. Bateman, A. G. Cohn, J. Pustejovsky (Eds.)

published by LZI

ISSN  1862 - 4405

Dagstuhl Seminar 10131, 28.03. - 01.04.2010
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  • Bateman, John
  • Cohn, Anthony G.
  • Forbus, Kenneth D.
  • Hois, Joana
  • Kutz, Oliver
  • Mani, Inderjeet
  • Pustejovsky, James
  • Winter, Stephan
  • Wu, Yunhui

    10131 Executive Summary and Abstracts Collection -- Spatial Representation and Reasoning in Language: Ontologies and Logics of Space
    Authors: Bateman, John ; Cohn, Anthony G. ; Pustejovsky, James

    Abstract | Document (160 KB) | BibTeX

    How can spatial language be learned?
    Authors: Forbus, Kenneth D.

    Abstract | Document (216 KB) | BibTeX

    How should depiction be represented and reasoned about?
    Authors: Forbus, Kenneth D.

    Abstract | Document (166 KB) | BibTeX

    Interpreting Place Descriptions for Navigation Services
    Authors: Wu, Yunhui ; Winter, Stephan

    Abstract | Document (135 KB) | BibTeX

    The Creeping Virtuality of Place
    Authors: Mani, Inderjeet

    Abstract | Document (373 KB) | BibTeX

    Towards Linguistically-Grounded Spatial Logics
    Authors: Hois, Joana ; Kutz, Oliver

    Abstract | Document (245 KB) | BibTeX


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