ATMOS 2005 October 7, 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

5th Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways (ATMOS'05)

Leo G. Kroon and Rolf H. Möhring (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-939897-00-2, OASICS Vol. 2 ISSN 2190-6807
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  • García, Ricardo
  • Garzón-Astolfi, Armando
  • Illés, Tibor
  • Kroon, Leo G.
  • Makai, Márton
  • Marín, Angel
  • Mecke, Steffen
  • Mesa, Juan A.
  • Möhring, Rolf H.
  • Müller-Hannemann, Matthias
  • Ortega, Francisco A.
  • Schnee, Mathias
  • Schöbel, Anita
  • Scholl, Susanne
  • Törnquist, Johanna
  • Vaik, Zsuzsanna
  • Wagner, Dorothea

    ATMOS Preface -- Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways
    Authors: Kroon, Leo G. ; Möhring, Rolf H.

    Abstract | Document (213 KB) | BibTeX

    ATMOS 2005 Abstracts Collection -- Selected Papers from the 5th Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways
    Authors: Kroon, Leo G. ; Möhring, Rolf H.

    Abstract | Document (87 KB) | BibTeX

    Analysis of the Parameters of Transfers in Rapid Transit Network Design
    Authors: García, Ricardo ; Garzón-Astolfi, Armando ; Marín, Angel ; Mesa, Juan A. ; Ortega, Francisco A.

    Abstract | Document (175 KB) | BibTeX

    Combinatorial Optimization Model for Railway Engine Assignment Problem
    Authors: Illés, Tibor ; Makai, Márton ; Vaik, Zsuzsanna

    Abstract | Document (203 KB) | BibTeX

    Computer-based decision support for railway traffic scheduling and dispatching: A review of models and algorithms
    Authors: Törnquist, Johanna

    Abstract | Document (412 KB) | BibTeX

    Line Planning with Minimal Traveling Time
    Authors: Schöbel, Anita ; Scholl, Susanne

    Abstract | Document (243 KB) | BibTeX

    Paying Less for Train Connections with MOTIS
    Authors: Müller-Hannemann, Matthias ; Schnee, Mathias

    Abstract | Document (255 KB) | BibTeX

    Station Location - Complexity and Approximation
    Authors: Mecke, Steffen ; Schöbel, Anita ; Wagner, Dorothea

    Abstract | Document (280 KB) | BibTeX


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