No. Title Author Year
1 The Unweighted and Weighted Reverse Shortest Path Problem for Disk Graphs Kaplan, Haim et al. 2023
2 Dynamic Approximate Multiplicatively-Weighted Nearest Neighbors Aronov, Boris et al. 2022
3 Intersection Queries for Flat Semi-Algebraic Objects in Three Dimensions and Related Problems Agarwal, Pankaj K. et al. 2022
4 On Reverse Shortest Paths in Geometric Proximity Graphs Agarwal, Pankaj K. et al. 2022
5 Approximate Nearest Neighbor for Curves - Simple, Efficient, and Deterministic Filtser, Arnold et al. 2020
6 Dynamic Time Warping-Based Proximity Problems Aronov, Boris et al. 2020
7 Bipartite Diameter and Other Measures Under Translation Aronov, Boris et al. 2019
8 Algorithms for the Discrete Fréchet Distance Under Translation Filtser, Omrit et al. 2018
9 Resolving SINR Queries in a Dynamic Setting Aronov, Boris et al. 2018
10 Front Matter, Table of Contents, Foreword, Conference Organization, External Reviewers, Sponsors Aronov, Boris et al. 2017
11 LIPIcs, Volume 77, SoCG'17, Complete Volume Aronov, Boris et al. 2017
12 Network Optimization on Partitioned Pairs of Points Arkin, Esther M. et al. 2017
13 On Interference Among Moving Sensors and Related Problems De Carufel, Jean-Lou et al. 2016
14 On the General Chain Pair Simplification Problem Fan, Chenglin et al. 2016
15 Locating Battery Charging Stations to Facilitate Almost Shortest Paths Arkin, Esther M. et al. 2014
16 Power Assignment in Radio Networks with Two Power Levels Carmi, Paz et al. 2007
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