No. Title Author Year
1 Low-Overhead Online Assessment of Timely Progress as a System Commodity Chen, Weifan et al. 2023
2 Memory Latency Distribution-Driven Regulation for Temporal Isolation in MPSoCs Saeed, Ahsan et al. 2023
3 A Memory Scheduling Infrastructure for Multi-Core Systems with Re-Programmable Logic Hoornaert, Denis et al. 2021
4 Governing with Insights: Towards Profile-Driven Cache Management of Black-Box Applications Ghaemi, Golsana et al. 2021
5 Designing Mixed Criticality Applications on Modern Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms Gracioli, Giovani et al. 2019
6 Impact of DM-LRU on WCET: A Static Analysis Approach Mancuso, Renato et al. 2019
7 Deterministic Memory Abstraction and Supporting Multicore System Architecture Farshchi, Farzad et al. 2018
8 WCET Derivation under Single Core Equivalence with Explicit Memory Budget Assignment Mancuso, Renato et al. 2017
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