Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 10161

Decision Procedures in Software, Hardware and Bioware

N. Bjorner, R. Nieuwenhuis, H. Veith, A. Voronkov (Eds.)

published by LZI

ISSN  1862 - 4405

Dagstuhl Seminar 10161, 18.04. - 23.04.2010
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  • Bjorner, Nikolaj
  • Christ, Juergen
  • de Moura, Leonardo
  • Hoenicke, Jochen
  • Jackson, Paul B.
  • Nieuwenhuis, Robert
  • Passmore, Grant Olney
  • Veith, Helmut
  • Voronkov, Andrei

    10161 Abstracts Collection -- Decision Procedures in Software, Hardware and Bioware
    Authors: Bjorner, Nikolaj ; Nieuwenhuis, Robert ; Veith, Helmut ; Voronkov, Andrei

    Abstract | Document (218 KB) | BibTeX

    10161 Executive Summary -- Decision Procedures in Software, Hardware and Bioware
    Authors: Bjorner, Nikolaj ; Nieuwenhuis, Robert ; Veith, Helmut ; Voronkov, Andrei

    Abstract | Document (116 KB) | BibTeX

    Gröbner Basis Construction Algorithms Based on Theorem Proving Saturation Loops
    Authors: Passmore, Grant Olney ; de Moura, Leonardo ; Jackson, Paul B.

    Abstract | Document (446 KB) | BibTeX

    Instantiation-Based Interpolation for Quantified Formulae
    Authors: Christ, Juergen ; Hoenicke, Jochen

    Abstract | Document (181 KB) | BibTeX


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