PLATEAU 2018 November 5, 2018 - Boston, Massachusetts, USA

9th Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU 2018)

Titus Barik and Joshua Sunshine and Sarah Chasins (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-95977-091-0, OASICS Vol. 67 ISSN 2190-6807
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  • Barik, Titus
  • Chasins, Sarah
  • Crichton, Will
  • Goldman, Drew
  • Huang, Yipeng
  • Lemay, Mark J.
  • Maarek, Manuel
  • Martonosi, Margaret
  • Piskac, Ruzica
  • Santolucito, Mark
  • Stefik, Andreas
  • Sunshine, Joshua
  • Uesbeck, Phillip Merlin
  • Weseley, Allyson
  • Zeng, Anna

    Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization
    Authors: Barik, Titus ; Sunshine, Joshua ; Chasins, Sarah

    Abstract | Document (289 KB) | BibTeX

    A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Impact of Polyglot Programming in a Database Context
    Authors: Uesbeck, Phillip Merlin ; Stefik, Andreas

    Abstract | Document (341 KB) | BibTeX

    Understanding Java Usability by Mining GitHub Repositories
    Authors: Lemay, Mark J.

    Abstract | Document (319 KB) | BibTeX

    Programming by Example: Efficient, but Not "Helpful"
    Authors: Santolucito, Mark ; Goldman, Drew ; Weseley, Allyson ; Piskac, Ruzica

    Abstract | Document (341 KB) | BibTeX

    QDB: From Quantum Algorithms Towards Correct Quantum Programs
    Authors: Huang, Yipeng ; Martonosi, Margaret

    Abstract | Document (512 KB) | BibTeX

    Identifying Barriers to Adoption for Rust through Online Discourse
    Authors: Zeng, Anna ; Crichton, Will

    Abstract | Document (246 KB) | BibTeX

    Observing the Uptake of a Language Change Making Strings Immutable
    Authors: Maarek, Manuel

    Abstract | Document (363 KB) | BibTeX


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