ICCSW 2015 September 24/25, 2015 - London, United Kingdom

2015 Imperial College Computing Student Workshop (ICCSW 2015)

Claudia Schulz and Daniel Liew (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-95977-000-2, OASICS Vol. 49 ISSN 2190-6807
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  • Angelopoulou, Anastassia
  • Belikov, Evgenij
  • DiBona, Chris
  • El-Abbasy, Khaled
  • Gulo, Carlos A. S. J.
  • Hadjisoteriou, Evgenios
  • Kruliš, Martin
  • Liew, Daniel
  • Marchand-Maillet, Stéphane
  • Mueller, Erik T.
  • Neves, José
  • Novais, Paulo
  • Oliveira, Tiago
  • Osipyan, Hasmik
  • Prado, Simone G. D.
  • Rúbio, Thiago R. P. M.
  • Satthar, F. Sharmila
  • Schöning, Julius
  • Schulz, Claudia
  • Silva, António
  • Spanring, Christof
  • Tabassum, Shazia
  • Towell, Tony
  • Zbrzezny, Agnieszka M.
  • Zbrzezny, Andrzej
  • Zhang, Jian

    Frontmatter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization, Supporters and Sponsors
    Authors: Schulz, Claudia ; Liew, Daniel

    Abstract | Document (429 KB) | BibTeX

    Google and Open Source (Keynote Talk)
    Authors: DiBona, Chris

    Abstract | Document (184 KB) | BibTeX

    Going Beyond Fact-based Question Answering (Keynote Talk)
    Authors: Mueller, Erik T.

    Abstract | Document (185 KB) | BibTeX

    Language Run-time Systems: an Overview
    Authors: Belikov, Evgenij

    Abstract | Document (1,263 KB) | BibTeX

    Affective Computing to Enhance E-Learning in Segregated Societies
    Authors: El-Abbasy, Khaled ; Angelopoulou, Anastassia ; Towell, Tony

    Abstract | Document (320 KB) | BibTeX

    Mining Scientific Articles Powered by Machine Learning Techniques
    Authors: Gulo, Carlos A. S. J. ; Rúbio, Thiago R. P. M. ; Tabassum, Shazia ; Prado, Simone G. D.

    Abstract | Document (913 KB) | BibTeX

    Computing Argumentation with Matrices
    Authors: Hadjisoteriou, Evgenios

    Abstract | Document (425 KB) | BibTeX

    A Survey of CUDA-based Multidimensional Scaling on GPU Architecture
    Authors: Osipyan, Hasmik ; Kruliš, Martin ; Marchand-Maillet, Stéphane

    Abstract | Document (576 KB) | BibTeX

    Modelling SO-CAL in an Inheritance-based Sentiment Analysis Framework
    Authors: Satthar, F. Sharmila

    Abstract | Document (2,220 KB) | BibTeX

    Interactive 3D Reconstruction: New Opportunities for Getting CAD-ready Models
    Authors: Schöning, Julius

    Abstract | Document (15,705 KB) | BibTeX

    Representing Temporal Patterns in Computer-Interpretable Clinical Guidelines
    Authors: Silva, António ; Oliveira, Tiago ; Novais, Paulo ; Neves, José

    Abstract | Document (1,476 KB) | BibTeX

    Hunt for the Collapse of Semantics in Infinite Abstract Argumentation Frameworks
    Authors: Spanring, Christof

    Abstract | Document (464 KB) | BibTeX

    Checking WECTLK Properties of TRWISs via SMT-based Bounded Model Checking
    Authors: Zbrzezny, Agnieszka M. ; Zbrzezny, Andrzej

    Abstract | Document (630 KB) | BibTeX

    Automatic Transformation of Raw Clinical Data Into Clean Data Using Decision Tree Learning Combining with String Similarity Algorithm
    Authors: Zhang, Jian

    Abstract | Document (361 KB) | BibTeX


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