Gabbrielli's Festschrift November 27, 2020, Bologna, Italy

Recent Developments in the Design and Implementation of Programming Languages

Frank S. de Boer and Jacopo Mauro (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-95977-171-9, OASICS Vol. 86 ISSN 2190-6807
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  • Amadini, Roberto
  • Bistarelli, Stefano
  • Bixio, Luca
  • Dalla Preda, Mila
  • de Boer, Frank S.
  • Delzanno, Giorgio
  • Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola
  • Falaschi, Moreno
  • Gange, Graeme
  • Giallorenzo, Saverio
  • Giannini, Paola
  • Hähnle, Reiner
  • Haubner, Anton W.
  • Johnsen, Einar Broch
  • Kamburjan, Eduard
  • Lanese, Ivan
  • Laneve, Cosimo
  • Martini, Simone
  • Mauro, Jacopo
  • Montesi, Fabrizio
  • Palamidessi, Catuscia
  • Palma, Giulia
  • Rebora, Stefano
  • Romanelli, Marco
  • Rulli, Matteo
  • Sangiorgi, Davide
  • Schachte, Peter
  • Schlatte, Rudolf
  • Søndergaard, Harald
  • Stuckey, Peter J.
  • Tapia Tarifa, Silvia Lizeth
  • Taticchi, Carlo
  • Tveito, Lars
  • Venneri, Betti
  • Veschetti, Adele
  • Zingaro, Stefano Pio

    Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface
    Authors: de Boer, Frank S. ; Mauro, Jacopo

    Abstract | Document (310 KB) | BibTeX

    Locally Static, Globally Dynamic Session Types for Active Objects
    Authors: Hähnle, Reiner ; Haubner, Anton W. ; Kamburjan, Eduard

    Abstract | Document (736 KB) | BibTeX

    A Formal Analysis of the Bitcoin Protocol
    Authors: Laneve, Cosimo ; Veschetti, Adele

    Abstract | Document (1,593 KB) | BibTeX

    Deconfined Intersection Types in Java
    Authors: Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola ; Giannini, Paola ; Venneri, Betti

    Abstract | Document (576 KB) | BibTeX

    Towards a Unifying Framework for Tuning Analysis Precision by Program Transformation
    Authors: Dalla Preda, Mila

    Abstract | Document (815 KB) | BibTeX

    The Servers of Serverless Computing: A Formal Revisitation of Functions as a Service
    Authors: Giallorenzo, Saverio ; Lanese, Ivan ; Montesi, Fabrizio ; Sangiorgi, Davide ; Zingaro, Stefano Pio

    Abstract | Document (523 KB) | BibTeX

    A Logic Programming Approach to Reaction Systems
    Authors: Falaschi, Moreno ; Palma, Giulia

    Abstract | Document (517 KB) | BibTeX

    Abstract Interpretation, Symbolic Execution and Constraints
    Authors: Amadini, Roberto ; Gange, Graeme ; Schachte, Peter ; Søndergaard, Harald ; Stuckey, Peter J.

    Abstract | Document (502 KB) | BibTeX

    The Standard Model for Programming Languages: The Birth of a Mathematical Theory of Computation
    Authors: Martini, Simone

    Abstract | Document (382 KB) | BibTeX

    A Concurrent Language for Argumentation: Preliminary Notes
    Authors: Bistarelli, Stefano ; Taticchi, Carlo

    Abstract | Document (1,589 KB) | BibTeX

    Inseguendo Fagiani Selvatici: Partial Order Reduction for Guarded Command Languages
    Authors: de Boer, Frank S. ; Johnsen, Einar Broch ; Schlatte, Rudolf ; Tapia Tarifa, Silvia Lizeth ; Tveito, Lars

    Abstract | Document (577 KB) | BibTeX

    Derivation of Constraints from Machine Learning Models and Applications to Security and Privacy
    Authors: Falaschi, Moreno ; Palamidessi, Catuscia ; Romanelli, Marco

    Abstract | Document (843 KB) | BibTeX

    Adaptive Real Time IoT Stream Processing in Microservices Architecture
    Authors: Bixio, Luca ; Delzanno, Giorgio ; Rebora, Stefano ; Rulli, Matteo

    Abstract | Document (704 KB) | BibTeX


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