ATMOS 2018 August 23-24, 2018 - Helsinki, Finland

18th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2018)

Ralf Borndörfer and Sabine Storandt (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-95977-096-5, OASICS Vol. 65 ISSN 2190-6807
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  • Alçada-Almeida, Luis
  • Amarouche, Youcef
  • Arizti, Agustin
  • Borndörfer, Ralf
  • Bouman, Paul C.
  • Coutinho-Rodrigues, João
  • Fluschnik, Till
  • Friedrich, Markus
  • Guibadj, Rym N.
  • Hansknecht, Christoph
  • Hoogeveen, Han
  • Karbstein, Marika
  • Lidén, Tomas
  • Liebchen, Christian
  • Lindner, Niels
  • Mannino, Carlo
  • Mauttone, Antonio
  • Moukrim, Aziz
  • Müller-Hannemann, Matthias
  • Pätzold, Julius
  • Peis, Britta
  • Petig, Thomas
  • Richter, Alexander
  • Rückert, Ralf
  • Sartor, Giorgio
  • Schiewe, Alexander
  • Schiller, Elad M.
  • Schöbel, Anita
  • Sering, Leon
  • Skutella, Martin
  • Sousa, Nuno
  • Stiller, Sebastian
  • Storandt, Sabine
  • Suomela, Jukka
  • Tauer, Bjoern
  • Timmermans, Veerle
  • Tsidulko, Oxana Yu.
  • Urquhart, Maria E.
  • van Bevern, René
  • van den Akker, Marjan
  • van den Broek, Roel
  • van Heuven van Staereling, Irving
  • van Lieshout, Rolf N.
  • Vargas Koch, Laura

    Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization
    Authors: Borndörfer, Ralf ; Storandt, Sabine

    Abstract | Document (6,285 KB) | BibTeX

    Reformulations for Integrated Planning of Railway Traffic and Network Maintenance
    Authors: Lidén, Tomas

    Abstract | Document (568 KB) | BibTeX

    Large Scale Railway Renewal Planning with a Multiobjective Modeling Approach
    Authors: Sousa, Nuno ; Alçada-Almeida, Luis ; Coutinho-Rodrigues, João

    Abstract | Document (606 KB) | BibTeX

    How to Measure the Robustness of Shunting Plans
    Authors: van den Broek, Roel ; Hoogeveen, Han ; van den Akker, Marjan

    Abstract | Document (853 KB) | BibTeX

    Robustness as a Third Dimension for Evaluating Public Transport Plans
    Authors: Friedrich, Markus ; Müller-Hannemann, Matthias ; Rückert, Ralf ; Schiewe, Alexander ; Schöbel, Anita

    Abstract | Document (1,421 KB) | BibTeX

    Fast Robust Shortest Path Computations
    Authors: Hansknecht, Christoph ; Richter, Alexander ; Stiller, Sebastian

    Abstract | Document (553 KB) | BibTeX

    Tree Decomposition Methods for the Periodic Event Scheduling Problem
    Authors: van Heuven van Staereling, Irving

    Abstract | Document (492 KB) | BibTeX

    A Bilevel Approach to Frequency Optimization in Public Transportation Systems
    Authors: Arizti, Agustin ; Mauttone, Antonio ; Urquhart, Maria E.

    Abstract | Document (499 KB) | BibTeX

    Cost-Minimal Public Transport Planning
    Authors: Pätzold, Julius ; Schiewe, Alexander ; Schöbel, Anita

    Abstract | Document (1,157 KB) | BibTeX

    Changing Lanes on a Highway
    Authors: Petig, Thomas ; Schiller, Elad M. ; Suomela, Jukka

    Abstract | Document (495 KB) | BibTeX

    Parameterized Algorithms and Data Reduction for Safe Convoy Routing
    Authors: van Bevern, René ; Fluschnik, Till ; Tsidulko, Oxana Yu.

    Abstract | Document (538 KB) | BibTeX

    A Neighborhood Search and Set Cover Hybrid Heuristic for the Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem
    Authors: Amarouche, Youcef ; Guibadj, Rym N. ; Moukrim, Aziz

    Abstract | Document (608 KB) | BibTeX

    Multi-Source Multi-Sink Nash Flows over Time
    Authors: Sering, Leon ; Skutella, Martin

    Abstract | Document (638 KB) | BibTeX

    Oligopolistic Competitive Packet Routing
    Authors: Peis, Britta ; Tauer, Bjoern ; Timmermans, Veerle ; Vargas Koch, Laura

    Abstract | Document (521 KB) | BibTeX

    The Path&Cycle Formulation for the Hotspot Problem in Air Traffic Management
    Authors: Mannino, Carlo ; Sartor, Giorgio

    Abstract | Document (572 KB) | BibTeX

    Vehicle Scheduling Based on a Line Plan
    Authors: van Lieshout, Rolf N. ; Bouman, Paul C.

    Abstract | Document (610 KB) | BibTeX

    A Simple Way to Compute the Number of Vehicles That Are Required to Operate a Periodic Timetable
    Authors: Borndörfer, Ralf ; Karbstein, Marika ; Liebchen, Christian ; Lindner, Niels

    Abstract | Document (466 KB) | BibTeX


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