SWAT 2018 June 18-20, 2018 - Malmö, Sweden

16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2018)

David Eppstein (Ed.)
ISBN 978-3-95977-068-2, LIPICS Vol. 101 ISSN 1868-8969
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  • Abdelkader, Ahmed
  • Agarwal, Pankaj K.
  • Ahn, Hee-Kap
  • Amato, Nancy M.
  • Bampis, Evripidis
  • Barba, Luis
  • Bentert, Matthias
  • Biedl, Therese
  • Biniaz, Ahmad
  • Bose, Prosenjit
  • Carmi, Paz
  • Chakraborty, Diptarka
  • Chen, Lijie
  • Das, Debarati
  • Demaine, Erik D.
  • Derka, Martin
  • Duan, Ran
  • Elbassioni, Khaled
  • El-Zein, Hicham
  • Eppstein, David
  • Escoffier, Bruno
  • Feldmann, Andreas Emil
  • Filtser, Omrit
  • Fomin, Fedor V.
  • Friedler, Sorelle
  • Gayen, Sutanu
  • Golovach, Petr A.
  • Gu, Yuzhou
  • Hanaka, Tesshu
  • Heggernes, Pinar
  • Hoffmann, Michael
  • Huang, Lingxiao
  • Huang, Shang-En
  • Ito, Takehiro
  • Jin, Yifei
  • Katsikarelis, Ioannis
  • Katz, Matthew J.
  • Keil, J. Mark
  • Konstantinidis, Athanasios L.
  • Korman, Matias
  • Kowalik, Lukasz
  • Kumar, Neeraj
  • Lampis, Michael
  • Li, Jian
  • Lima, Paloma T.
  • Maheshwari, Anil
  • Makino, Kazuhisa
  • Malík, Josef
  • Marx, Dániel
  • Mehrabi, Saeed
  • Mitzenmacher, Michael
  • Moitra, Ankur
  • Mondal, Debajyoti
  • Mount, David M.
  • Munro, J. Ian
  • Nekrich, Yakov
  • Oh, Eunjin
  • Ooms, Aurélien
  • Otachi, Yota
  • Panagiotou, Konstantinos
  • Papadopoulos, Charis
  • Paschos, Vangelis Th.
  • Pettie, Seth
  • Pilz, Alexander
  • Rudoy, Mikhail
  • Schlipf, Lena
  • Shermer, Thomas C.
  • Sikora, Florian
  • Sintos, Stavros
  • Smid, Michiel
  • Socala, Arkadiusz
  • Stehn, Fabian
  • Strash, Darren
  • Strømme, Torstein J. F.
  • Suri, Subhash
  • Thang, Nguyen Kim
  • Thilikos, Dimitrios M.
  • Verdonschot, Sander
  • Vinodchandran, N. V.
  • Walzer, Stefan
  • Wang, Ruosong
  • Weller, Mathias
  • Williams, Virginia Vassilevska
  • Xu, Yinzhan
  • Yu, Yuancheng
  • Zhang, Hanrui
  • Zhang, Tianyi

    Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization
    Authors: Eppstein, David

    Abstract | Document (297 KB) | BibTeX

    Sampling-Based Motion Planning: From Intelligent CAD to Crowd Simulation to Protein Folding (Invited Talk)
    Authors: Amato, Nancy M.

    Abstract | Document (157 KB) | BibTeX

    Optimizing Society? Ensuring Fairness in Automated Decision-Making (Invited Talk)
    Authors: Friedler, Sorelle

    Abstract | Document (157 KB) | BibTeX

    Robustness Meets Algorithms (Invited Talk)
    Authors: Moitra, Ankur

    Abstract | Document (156 KB) | BibTeX

    Economical Delone Sets for Approximating Convex Bodies
    Authors: Abdelkader, Ahmed ; Mount, David M.

    Abstract | Document (680 KB) | BibTeX

    Computing Shortest Paths in the Plane with Removable Obstacles
    Authors: Agarwal, Pankaj K. ; Kumar, Neeraj ; Sintos, Stavros ; Suri, Subhash

    Abstract | Document (646 KB) | BibTeX

    On Romeo and Juliet Problems: Minimizing Distance-to-Sight
    Authors: Ahn, Hee-Kap ; Oh, Eunjin ; Schlipf, Lena ; Stehn, Fabian ; Strash, Darren

    Abstract | Document (724 KB) | BibTeX

    Multistage Matchings
    Authors: Bampis, Evripidis ; Escoffier, Bruno ; Lampis, Michael ; Paschos, Vangelis Th.

    Abstract | Document (422 KB) | BibTeX

    Convex Hulls in Polygonal Domains
    Authors: Barba, Luis ; Hoffmann, Michael ; Korman, Matias ; Pilz, Alexander

    Abstract | Document (639 KB) | BibTeX

    Tree Containment With Soft Polytomies
    Authors: Bentert, Matthias ; Malík, Josef ; Weller, Mathias

    Abstract | Document (525 KB) | BibTeX

    On the Size of Outer-String Representations
    Authors: Biedl, Therese ; Biniaz, Ahmad ; Derka, Martin

    Abstract | Document (715 KB) | BibTeX

    Flip Distance to some Plane Configurations
    Authors: Biniaz, Ahmad ; Maheshwari, Anil ; Smid, Michiel

    Abstract | Document (671 KB) | BibTeX

    Boundary Labeling for Rectangular Diagrams
    Authors: Bose, Prosenjit ; Carmi, Paz ; Keil, J. Mark ; Mehrabi, Saeed ; Mondal, Debajyoti

    Abstract | Document (822 KB) | BibTeX

    Gathering by Repulsion
    Authors: Bose, Prosenjit ; Shermer, Thomas C.

    Abstract | Document (2,170 KB) | BibTeX

    Improved Bounds for Guarding Plane Graphs with Edges
    Authors: Biniaz, Ahmad ; Bose, Prosenjit ; Ooms, Aurélien ; Verdonschot, Sander

    Abstract | Document (787 KB) | BibTeX

    Sparse Weight Tolerant Subgraph for Single Source Shortest Path
    Authors: Chakraborty, Diptarka ; Das, Debarati

    Abstract | Document (402 KB) | BibTeX

    An Improved Algorithm for Incremental DFS Tree in Undirected Graphs
    Authors: Chen, Lijie ; Duan, Ran ; Wang, Ruosong ; Zhang, Hanrui ; Zhang, Tianyi

    Abstract | Document (752 KB) | BibTeX

    Succinct Dynamic One-Dimensional Point Reporting
    Authors: El-Zein, Hicham ; Munro, J. Ian ; Nekrich, Yakov

    Abstract | Document (430 KB) | BibTeX

    Enumerating Vertices of 0/1-Polyhedra associated with 0/1-Totally Unimodular Matrices
    Authors: Elbassioni, Khaled ; Makino, Kazuhisa

    Abstract | Document (527 KB) | BibTeX

    The Parameterized Hardness of the k-Center Problem in Transportation Networks
    Authors: Feldmann, Andreas Emil ; Marx, Dániel

    Abstract | Document (535 KB) | BibTeX

    Algorithms for the Discrete Fréchet Distance Under Translation
    Authors: Filtser, Omrit ; Katz, Matthew J.

    Abstract | Document (737 KB) | BibTeX

    Partial Complementation of Graphs
    Authors: Fomin, Fedor V. ; Golovach, Petr A. ; Strømme, Torstein J. F. ; Thilikos, Dimitrios M.

    Abstract | Document (526 KB) | BibTeX

    New Algorithms for Distributed Sliding Windows
    Authors: Gayen, Sutanu ; Vinodchandran, N. V.

    Abstract | Document (518 KB) | BibTeX

    Parameterized Aspects of Strong Subgraph Closure
    Authors: Golovach, Petr A. ; Heggernes, Pinar ; Konstantinidis, Athanasios L. ; Lima, Paloma T. ; Papadopoulos, Charis

    Abstract | Document (464 KB) | BibTeX

    Parameterized Orientable Deletion
    Authors: Hanaka, Tesshu ; Katsikarelis, Ioannis ; Lampis, Michael ; Otachi, Yota ; Sikora, Florian

    Abstract | Document (639 KB) | BibTeX

    SVM via Saddle Point Optimization: New Bounds and Distributed Algorithms
    Authors: Huang, Lingxiao ; Jin, Yifei ; Li, Jian

    Abstract | Document (501 KB) | BibTeX

    Lower Bounds on Sparse Spanners, Emulators, and Diameter-reducing shortcuts
    Authors: Huang, Shang-En ; Pettie, Seth

    Abstract | Document (464 KB) | BibTeX

    Reconfiguration of Colorable Sets in Classes of Perfect Graphs
    Authors: Ito, Takehiro ; Otachi, Yota

    Abstract | Document (516 KB) | BibTeX

    Tight Lower Bounds for List Edge Coloring
    Authors: Kowalik, Lukasz ; Socala, Arkadiusz

    Abstract | Document (479 KB) | BibTeX

    Load Thresholds for Cuckoo Hashing with Double Hashing
    Authors: Mitzenmacher, Michael ; Panagiotou, Konstantinos ; Walzer, Stefan

    Abstract | Document (552 KB) | BibTeX

    A Greedy Algorithm for Subspace Approximation Problem
    Authors: Thang, Nguyen Kim

    Abstract | Document (328 KB) | BibTeX

    Planar 3-SAT with a Clause/Variable Cycle
    Authors: Pilz, Alexander

    Abstract | Document (679 KB) | BibTeX

    Tree-Residue Vertex-Breaking: a new tool for proving hardness
    Authors: Demaine, Erik D. ; Rudoy, Mikhail

    Abstract | Document (516 KB) | BibTeX

    Nearly Optimal Separation Between Partially and Fully Retroactive Data Structures
    Authors: Chen, Lijie ; Demaine, Erik D. ; Gu, Yuzhou ; Williams, Virginia Vassilevska ; Xu, Yinzhan ; Yu, Yuancheng

    Abstract | Document (498 KB) | BibTeX


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