ATMOS 2021 September 9-10, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal (Virtual Conference)

21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021)

Matthias Müller-Hannemann and Federico Perea (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-95977-213-6, OASICS Vol. 96 ISSN 2190-6807
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  • Ahmadi Digehsara, Amin
  • Baum, Moritz
  • Benkoczi, Robert
  • Bhattacharya, Binay
  • Borndörfer, Ralf
  • Chatterjee, Diptendu
  • Chen, Daniel
  • Costa, Elia
  • Damaschke, Peter
  • Delling, Daniel
  • Freche, Jean-Marie
  • Gatt, Hector
  • Gaul, Daniela
  • Goerigk, Marc
  • González-Blanco, Natividad
  • Grafe, Vera
  • Gupte, Akshay
  • Higashikawa, Yuya
  • Johnn, Syu-Ning
  • Kameda, Tsunehiko
  • Katoh, Naoki
  • Klamroth, Kathrin
  • Klimentova, Xenia
  • Lehoux-Lebacque, Vassilissa
  • Lehuédé, Fabien
  • Liebchen, Christian
  • Lindner, Niels
  • Loiodice, Christelle
  • Lozano, Antonio J.
  • Marianov, Vladimir
  • Maristany de las Casas, Pedro
  • Masing, Berenike
  • Mesa, Juan A.
  • Miniguano-Trujillo, Andrés
  • Müller-Hannemann, Matthias
  • Pedroso, João Pedro
  • Perea, Federico
  • Rajan, Payas
  • Roy, Bimal Kumar
  • Rückert, Ralf
  • Şahin, Güvenç
  • Sartori, Carlo S.
  • Schieferdecker, Dennis
  • Schiewe, Alexander
  • Schiewe, Philine
  • Schöbel, Anita
  • Silva, Marco
  • Silvestri, Francesco
  • Smet, Pieter
  • Sommer, Christian
  • Spühler, Felix
  • Stiglmayr, Michael
  • Teruyama, Junichi
  • Vanden Berghe, Greet
  • Viana, Ana
  • Wegner, Michael
  • West, Christian J.
  • Wolleb, Daniel
  • Yeung, Thomas G.
  • Zhu, Yiran
  • Zündorf, Tobias

    Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization
    Authors: Müller-Hannemann, Matthias ; Perea, Federico

    Abstract | Document (466 KB) | BibTeX

    Efficient Duration-Based Workload Balancing for Interdependent Vehicle Routes
    Authors: Sartori, Carlo S. ; Smet, Pieter ; Vanden Berghe, Greet

    Abstract | Document (1,067 KB) | BibTeX

    Forward Cycle Bases and Periodic Timetabling
    Authors: Lindner, Niels ; Liebchen, Christian ; Masing, Berenike

    Abstract | Document (739 KB) | BibTeX

    Towards Improved Robustness of Public Transport by a Machine-Learned Oracle
    Authors: Müller-Hannemann, Matthias ; Rückert, Ralf ; Schiewe, Alexander ; Schöbel, Anita

    Abstract | Document (3,717 KB) | BibTeX

    Solving the Home Service Assignment, Routing, and Appointment Scheduling (H-SARA) Problem with Uncertainties
    Authors: Johnn, Syu-Ning ; Zhu, Yiran ; Miniguano-Trujillo, Andrés ; Gupte, Akshay

    Abstract | Document (1,017 KB) | BibTeX

    On the Bike Spreading Problem
    Authors: Costa, Elia ; Silvestri, Francesco

    Abstract | Document (4,242 KB) | BibTeX

    A Phase I Simplex Method for Finding Feasible Periodic Timetables
    Authors: Goerigk, Marc ; Schöbel, Anita ; Spühler, Felix

    Abstract | Document (866 KB) | BibTeX

    Optimal Forks: Preprocessing Single-Source Shortest Path Instances with Interval Data
    Authors: Lindner, Niels ; Maristany de las Casas, Pedro ; Schiewe, Philine

    Abstract | Document (804 KB) | BibTeX

    Solving the Dynamic Dial-a-Ride Problem Using a Rolling-Horizon Event-Based Graph
    Authors: Gaul, Daniela ; Klamroth, Kathrin ; Stiglmayr, Michael

    Abstract | Document (735 KB) | BibTeX

    Solving the Periodic Scheduling Problem: An Assignment Approach in Non-Periodic Networks
    Authors: Grafe, Vera ; Schöbel, Anita

    Abstract | Document (659 KB) | BibTeX

    Fast Map Matching with Vertex-Monotone Fréchet Distance
    Authors: Chen, Daniel ; Sommer, Christian ; Wolleb, Daniel

    Abstract | Document (3,896 KB) | BibTeX

    Robustness Generalizations of the Shortest Feasible Path Problem for Electric Vehicles
    Authors: Rajan, Payas ; Baum, Moritz ; Wegner, Michael ; Zündorf, Tobias ; West, Christian J. ; Schieferdecker, Dennis ; Delling, Daniel

    Abstract | Document (789 KB) | BibTeX

    A Branch-Price-And-Cut Algorithm for Stochastic Crowd Shipping Last-Mile Delivery with Correlated Marginals
    Authors: Silva, Marco ; Pedroso, João Pedro ; Viana, Ana ; Klimentova, Xenia

    Abstract | Document (609 KB) | BibTeX

    Locating Evacuation Centers Optimally in Path and Cycle Networks
    Authors: Benkoczi, Robert ; Bhattacharya, Binay ; Higashikawa, Yuya ; Kameda, Tsunehiko ; Katoh, Naoki ; Teruyama, Junichi

    Abstract | Document (1,110 KB) | BibTeX

    Distance-Based Solution of Patrolling Problems with Individual Waiting Times
    Authors: Damaschke, Peter

    Abstract | Document (610 KB) | BibTeX

    Transfer Customization with the Trip-Based Public Transit Routing Algorithm
    Authors: Lehoux-Lebacque, Vassilissa ; Loiodice, Christelle

    Abstract | Document (650 KB) | BibTeX

    An Improved Scheduling Algorithm for Traveling Tournament Problem with Maximum Trip Length Two
    Authors: Chatterjee, Diptendu ; Roy, Bimal Kumar

    Abstract | Document (678 KB) | BibTeX

    Efficient Algorithms for the Multi-Period Line Planning Problem in Public Transportation (Short Paper)
    Authors: Şahin, Güvenç ; Ahmadi Digehsara, Amin ; Borndörfer, Ralf

    Abstract | Document (489 KB) | BibTeX

    An Integrated Model for Rapid and Slow Transit Network Design (Short Paper)
    Authors: González-Blanco, Natividad ; Lozano, Antonio J. ; Marianov, Vladimir ; Mesa, Juan A.

    Abstract | Document (463 KB) | BibTeX

    A Column Generation-Based Heuristic for the Line Planning Problem with Service Levels (Short Paper)
    Authors: Gatt, Hector ; Freche, Jean-Marie ; Lehuédé, Fabien ; Yeung, Thomas G.

    Abstract | Document (1,244 KB) | BibTeX


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