FSTTCS 2008 December 9-11, 2008, Bangalore, India

IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science

Ramesh Hariharan and Madhavan Mukund and V Vinay (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-939897-08-8, LIPICS Vol. 2 ISSN 1868-8969
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  • Amini, Omid
  • Aoto, Takahito
  • Arvind, V.
  • Atig, Mohamed Faouzi
  • Basin, David
  • Berger, Noam
  • Berwanger, Dietmar
  • Bouajjani, Ahmed
  • Caucal, Didier
  • Chailloux, Andre
  • Chakravarty, Manuel M T
  • Chatterjee, Krishnendu
  • Chekuri, Chandra
  • Comon-Lundh, Hubert
  • Cristau, Julien
  • Datta, Samir
  • de Alfaro, Luca
  • Diaz, Josep
  • Dimitrova, Rayna
  • Doyen, Laurent
  • Feige, Uriel
  • Fernau, Henning
  • Finkbeiner, Bernd
  • Fomin, Fedor
  • Frieze, Alan
  • Golovin, Daniel
  • Graedel, Erich
  • Gulan, Stefan
  • Gupta, Anupam
  • Hariharan, Ramesh
  • Hayman, Jonathan
  • Horn, Florian
  • Inaba, Kazuhiro
  • Joglekar, Pushkar S.
  • Jurdzinski, Marcin
  • Kannan, Ravi
  • Kannan, Sampath
  • Kapur, Nevin
  • Kavitha, Telikepalli
  • Keller, Gabriele
  • Kerenidis, Iordanis
  • Khanna, Sanjeev
  • Kirousis, Lefteris
  • Klaedtke, Felix
  • Komusiewicz, Christian
  • Korula, Nitish
  • Kumar, Amit
  • Leshchinskiy, Roman
  • Limaye, Nutan
  • Lohrey, Markus
  • Majumdar, Rupak
  • Maneth, Sebastian
  • Marion, Jean-Yves
  • Mitsche, Dieter
  • Moser, Georg
  • Mukund, Madhavan
  • Müller, Samuel
  • Nimbhorkar, Prajakta
  • Pechoux, Romain
  • Perez-Gimenez, Xavier
  • Peyton Jones, Simon
  • Pfitzmann, Birgit
  • Raman, Vishwanath
  • Rodriguez-Hortala, Juan
  • Roy, Sudeepa
  • Saurabh, Saket
  • Schnabl, Andreas
  • Schulman, Leonard
  • Tangwongsan, Kanat
  • Touili, Tayssir
  • Trivedi, Ashutosh
  • Uhlmann, Johannes
  • Valiant, Leslie G
  • Vazirani, Vijay
  • Vinay, V
  • Waldmann, Johannes
  • Winskel, Glynn

    2008 Abstracts Collection -- IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
    Authors: Hariharan, Ramesh ; Mukund, Madhavan ; Vinay, V

    Abstract | Document (219 KB) | BibTeX

    2008 Preface -- IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
    Authors: Hariharan, Ramesh ; Mukund, Madhavan ; Vinay, V

    Abstract | Document (353 KB) | BibTeX

    3-connected Planar Graph Isomorphism is in Log-space
    Authors: Datta, Samir ; Limaye, Nutan ; Nimbhorkar, Prajakta

    Abstract | Document (385 KB) | BibTeX

    A Cubic-Vertex Kernel for Flip Consensus Tree
    Authors: Komusiewicz, Christian ; Uhlmann, Johannes

    Abstract | Document (443 KB) | BibTeX

    A Hierarchy of Semantics for Non-deterministic Term Rewriting Systems
    Authors: Rodriguez-Hortala, Juan

    Abstract | Document (433 KB) | BibTeX

    A new approach to the planted clique problem
    Authors: Frieze, Alan ; Kannan, Ravi

    Abstract | Document (425 KB) | BibTeX

    A new upper bound for 3-SAT
    Authors: Diaz, Josep ; Kirousis, Lefteris ; Mitsche, Dieter ; Perez-Gimenez, Xavier

    Abstract | Document (470 KB) | BibTeX

    About models of security protocols
    Authors: Comon-Lundh, Hubert

    Abstract | Document (428 KB) | BibTeX

    Abstraction Refinement for Games with Incomplete Information
    Authors: Dimitrova, Rayna ; Finkbeiner, Bernd

    Abstract | Document (441 KB) | BibTeX

    Algorithms for Game Metrics
    Authors: Chatterjee, Krishnendu ; de Alfaro, Luca ; Majumdar, Rupak ; Raman, Vishwanath

    Abstract | Document (432 KB) | BibTeX

    All-Norms and All-L_p-Norms Approximation Algorithms
    Authors: Golovin, Daniel ; Gupta, Anupam ; Kumar, Amit ; Tangwongsan, Kanat

    Abstract | Document (454 KB) | BibTeX

    An Optimal Construction of Finite Automata from Regular Expressions
    Authors: Gulan, Stefan ; Fernau, Henning

    Abstract | Document (444 KB) | BibTeX

    Analyzing Asynchronous Programs with Preemption
    Authors: Atig, Mohamed Faouzi ; Bouajjani, Ahmed ; Touili, Tayssir

    Abstract | Document (463 KB) | BibTeX

    Analyzing the Implicit Computational Complexity of object-oriented programs
    Authors: Marion, Jean-Yves ; Pechoux, Romain

    Abstract | Document (429 KB) | BibTeX

    Average-Time Games
    Authors: Jurdzinski, Marcin ; Trivedi, Ashutosh

    Abstract | Document (450 KB) | BibTeX

    Banach-Mazur Games on Graphs
    Authors: Graedel, Erich

    Abstract | Document (455 KB) | BibTeX

    Boolean algebras of unambiguous context-free languages
    Authors: Caucal, Didier

    Abstract | Document (437 KB) | BibTeX

    Complexity Analysis of Term Rewriting Based on Matrix and Context Dependent Interpretations
    Authors: Moser, Georg ; Schnabl, Andreas ; Waldmann, Johannes

    Abstract | Document (442 KB) | BibTeX

    Dynamic matrix rank with partial lookahead
    Authors: Kavitha, Telikepalli

    Abstract | Document (429 KB) | BibTeX

    Explicit Muller Games are PTIME
    Authors: Horn, Florian

    Abstract | Document (408 KB) | BibTeX

    Graph Games on Ordinals
    Authors: Cristau, Julien ; Horn, Florian

    Abstract | Document (423 KB) | BibTeX

    Harnessing the Multicores: Nested Data Parallelism in Haskell
    Authors: Peyton Jones, Simon ; Leshchinskiy, Roman ; Keller, Gabriele ; Chakravarty, Manuel M T

    Abstract | Document (577 KB) | BibTeX

    Implicit Branching and Parameterized Partial Cover Problems (Extended Abstract)
    Authors: Amini, Omid ; Fomin, Fedor ; Saurabh, Saket

    Abstract | Document (436 KB) | BibTeX

    Increasing the power of the verifier in Quantum Zero Knowledge
    Authors: Chailloux, Andre ; Kerenidis, Iordanis

    Abstract | Document (419 KB) | BibTeX

    Knowledge Infusion: In Pursuit of Robustness in Artificial Intelligence
    Authors: Valiant, Leslie G

    Abstract | Document (433 KB) | BibTeX

    Leaf languages and string compression
    Authors: Lohrey, Markus

    Abstract | Document (432 KB) | BibTeX

    On Estimation Algorithms vs Approximation Algorithms
    Authors: Feige, Uriel

    Abstract | Document (449 KB) | BibTeX

    On the Power of Imperfect Information
    Authors: Berwanger, Dietmar ; Doyen, Laurent

    Abstract | Document (417 KB) | BibTeX

    Pruning 2-Connected Graphs
    Authors: Chekuri, Chandra ; Korula, Nitish

    Abstract | Document (432 KB) | BibTeX

    Runtime Monitoring of Metric First-order Temporal Properties
    Authors: Basin, David ; Klaedtke, Felix ; Müller, Samuel ; Pfitzmann, Birgit

    Abstract | Document (440 KB) | BibTeX

    Single-Sink Network Design with Vertex Connectivity Requirements
    Authors: Chekuri, Chandra ; Korula, Nitish

    Abstract | Document (441 KB) | BibTeX

    Solvency Games
    Authors: Berger, Noam ; Kapur, Nevin ; Schulman, Leonard ; Vazirani, Vijay

    Abstract | Document (417 KB) | BibTeX

    Some Sieving Algorithms for Lattice Problems
    Authors: Arvind, V. ; Joglekar, Pushkar S.

    Abstract | Document (436 KB) | BibTeX

    Sound Lemma Generation for Proving Inductive Validity of Equations
    Authors: Aoto, Takahito

    Abstract | Document (427 KB) | BibTeX

    STCON in Directed Unique-Path Graphs
    Authors: Kannan, Sampath ; Khanna, Sanjeev ; Roy, Sudeepa

    Abstract | Document (429 KB) | BibTeX

    The Complexity of Tree Transducer Output Languages
    Authors: Inaba, Kazuhiro ; Maneth, Sebastian

    Abstract | Document (434 KB) | BibTeX

    The unfolding of general Petri nets
    Authors: Hayman, Jonathan ; Winskel, Glynn

    Abstract | Document (441 KB) | BibTeX


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