AofA 2020 June 15-19, 2020, Klagenfurt, Austria (Virtual Conference)

31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2020)

Michael Drmota and Clemens Heuberger (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-95977-147-4, LIPICS Vol. 159 ISSN 1868-8969
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  • Asinowski, Andrei
  • Banderier, Cyril
  • Bassino, Frédérique
  • Berthé, Valérie
  • Berzunza, Gabriel
  • Borga, Jacopo
  • Bousquet-Mélou, Mireille
  • Cai, Xing Shi
  • Cesaratto, Eda
  • Chapon, François
  • Drmota, Michael
  • Elvey Price, Andrew
  • Fang, Wenjie
  • Fischer, Ilse
  • Fusy, Éric
  • Gao, Zhicheng
  • Gnedin, Alexander
  • Heuberger, Clemens
  • Holmgren, Cecilia
  • Jacquet, Philippe
  • Janson, Svante
  • Kang, Mihyun
  • Klootwijk, Stefan
  • Konvalinka, Matjaž
  • Krivelevich, Michael
  • Lackner, Marie-Louise
  • Lladser, Manuel E.
  • Maazoun, Mickaël
  • Mailler, Cécile
  • Manthey, Bodo
  • Mészáros, Tamás
  • Michaeli, Peleg
  • Missethan, Michael
  • Mörters, Peter
  • Neininger, Ralph
  • Noy, Marc
  • Paccaut, Frédéric
  • Pearson, Antony
  • Rakotoarimalala, Tsinjo
  • Ralaivaosaona, Dimbinaina
  • Raschel, Kilian
  • Rasendrahasina, Vonjy
  • Requilé, Clément
  • Rotondo, Pablo
  • Safe, Martín D.
  • Seksenbayev, Amirlan
  • Senkevich, Anna
  • Shikhelman, Clara
  • Sportiello, Andrea
  • Straub, Jasmin
  • Stufler, Benedikt
  • Szpankowski, Wojciech
  • Turowski, Krzysztof
  • Vallée, Brigitte
  • Wagner, Stephan
  • Wallner, Michael

    Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization
    Authors: Drmota, Michael ; Heuberger, Clemens

    Abstract | Document (299 KB) | BibTeX

    On Lattice Paths with Marked Patterns: Generating Functions and Multivariate Gaussian Distribution
    Authors: Asinowski, Andrei ; Banderier, Cyril

    Abstract | Document (1,516 KB) | BibTeX

    Latticepathology and Symmetric Functions (Extended Abstract)
    Authors: Banderier, Cyril ; Lackner, Marie-Louise ; Wallner, Michael

    Abstract | Document (614 KB) | BibTeX

    The Complexity of the Approximate Multiple Pattern Matching Problem for Random Strings
    Authors: Bassino, Frédérique ; Rakotoarimalala, Tsinjo ; Sportiello, Andrea

    Abstract | Document (559 KB) | BibTeX

    Two Arithmetical Sources and Their Associated Tries
    Authors: Berthé, Valérie ; Cesaratto, Eda ; Paccaut, Frédéric ; Rotondo, Pablo ; Safe, Martín D. ; Vallée, Brigitte

    Abstract | Document (583 KB) | BibTeX

    The k-Cut Model in Conditioned Galton-Watson Trees
    Authors: Berzunza, Gabriel ; Cai, Xing Shi ; Holmgren, Cecilia

    Abstract | Document (511 KB) | BibTeX

    Largest Clusters for Supercritical Percolation on Split Trees
    Authors: Berzunza, Gabriel ; Holmgren, Cecilia

    Abstract | Document (431 KB) | BibTeX

    Scaling and Local Limits of Baxter Permutations Through Coalescent-Walk Processes
    Authors: Borga, Jacopo ; Maazoun, Mickaël

    Abstract | Document (1,040 KB) | BibTeX

    More Models of Walks Avoiding a Quadrant
    Authors: Bousquet-Mélou, Mireille ; Wallner, Michael

    Abstract | Document (544 KB) | BibTeX

    Polyharmonic Functions And Random Processes in Cones
    Authors: Chapon, François ; Fusy, Éric ; Raschel, Kilian

    Abstract | Document (500 KB) | BibTeX

    Cut Vertices in Random Planar Maps
    Authors: Drmota, Michael ; Noy, Marc ; Stufler, Benedikt

    Abstract | Document (924 KB) | BibTeX

    Asymptotics of Minimal Deterministic Finite Automata Recognizing a Finite Binary Language
    Authors: Elvey Price, Andrew ; Fang, Wenjie ; Wallner, Michael

    Abstract | Document (619 KB) | BibTeX

    The First Bijective Proof of the Alternating Sign Matrix Theorem Theorem
    Authors: Fischer, Ilse ; Konvalinka, Matjaž

    Abstract | Document (565 KB) | BibTeX

    Counting Cubic Maps with Large Genus
    Authors: Gao, Zhicheng ; Kang, Mihyun

    Abstract | Document (901 KB) | BibTeX

    Diffusion Limits in the Online Subsequence Selection Problems
    Authors: Gnedin, Alexander ; Seksenbayev, Amirlan

    Abstract | Document (457 KB) | BibTeX

    Analysis of Lempel-Ziv'78 for Markov Sources
    Authors: Jacquet, Philippe ; Szpankowski, Wojciech

    Abstract | Document (705 KB) | BibTeX

    Power-Law Degree Distribution in the Connected Component of a Duplication Graph
    Authors: Jacquet, Philippe ; Turowski, Krzysztof ; Szpankowski, Wojciech

    Abstract | Document (493 KB) | BibTeX

    Hidden Words Statistics for Large Patterns
    Authors: Janson, Svante ; Szpankowski, Wojciech

    Abstract | Document (477 KB) | BibTeX

    The Giant Component and 2-Core in Sparse Random Outerplanar Graphs
    Authors: Kang, Mihyun ; Missethan, Michael

    Abstract | Document (479 KB) | BibTeX

    Probabilistic Analysis of Optimization Problems on Sparse Random Shortest Path Metrics
    Authors: Klootwijk, Stefan ; Manthey, Bodo

    Abstract | Document (502 KB) | BibTeX

    Greedy Maximal Independent Sets via Local Limits
    Authors: Krivelevich, Michael ; Mészáros, Tamás ; Michaeli, Peleg ; Shikhelman, Clara

    Abstract | Document (638 KB) | BibTeX

    The Disordered Chinese Restaurant and Other Competing Growth Processes
    Authors: Mailler, Cécile ; Mörters, Peter ; Senkevich, Anna

    Abstract | Document (528 KB) | BibTeX

    Convergence Rates in the Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms
    Authors: Neininger, Ralph ; Straub, Jasmin

    Abstract | Document (438 KB) | BibTeX

    Hidden Independence in Unstructured Probabilistic Models
    Authors: Pearson, Antony ; Lladser, Manuel E.

    Abstract | Document (516 KB) | BibTeX

    Block Statistics in Subcritical Graph Classes
    Authors: Ralaivaosaona, Dimbinaina ; Requilé, Clément ; Wagner, Stephan

    Abstract | Document (409 KB) | BibTeX

    On the Probability That a Random Digraph Is Acyclic
    Authors: Ralaivaosaona, Dimbinaina ; Rasendrahasina, Vonjy ; Wagner, Stephan

    Abstract | Document (514 KB) | BibTeX


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